
don’t hesitate on the next Facebook pandemic

last month's mixtape

The Best Thing You Can Do After You Eat Too Much

In Japanese, they have the term "Kuchisabishii", which translates to "Lonely mouth". This is the persistent need to eat something even when we aren’t hungry. The beauty of this word is that it is somewhat forgiving.

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Why Your Second COVID Shot Might Be a Doozy

Your second COVID vaccination will likely hurt more than your first, and that's a good thing — it means the first one "worked".

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The Next Pandemic

Last Week Tonight is back and John Oliver starts the season discussing what could cause the next pandemic and what we can do to avoid it.

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Tim Cook May Have Just Ended Facebook

It's no secret that Apple and Facebook have been butting heads for some time now. In Tim Cook's speech he indirectly, but obviously, takes a jab at Facebook and their use of their user's data.

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Why do we, like, hesitate when we, um, speak?

Why do we fill pauses in speech with words like “um,” “uh,” and “like”? An animated insight into their linguistic significance.

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